Southwest by South Florida Mensa is a chapter of American Mensa.  American Mensa, in turn, is one of many national groups that compose Mensa International.  Mensa is an organization open to anyone who scores in the top two percent on any one of over 200 standardized intelligence tests.

More than six million people in the US alone qualify for membership -- that is about one person in 50.

American Mensa has over 57,000 members with more than 200 of those members living in the Southwest Florida area.  General membership is 65% male and 35% female.

Mensans come from every walk of life and there is no "typical" Mensan.  There are over 150 national special interest groups for members to join.

American Mensa provides the opportunity for members and chapters to be involved with their local community by sponsoring scholarships, programs for gifted children, and other activities.

Click through our links (below) to support our Scholarship Program for local students entering or continuing college/university. Anything you buy on Amazon by clicking below, even clothes or garden supplies, will build scholarship funds for local students.


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